Casey Jo Hospital Update #1

We're back!!!!
I'm really beginning to hate Cleveland, and I know Casey Jo & Dad probably agree!

Casey with Dr. D & his team.
Casey is back because of her gall bladder.  She is suppose to be getting it out later this week. I feel so bad for her because she has gone pretty much all week without nutrition.  She has only eaten once this was a cucumber!  She couldn't do her tube feedings at all this past week since the formula mostly consists of fat, and fat is one of the gall bladder triggers. Because she couldn't eat she has lost a lot of weight.  Dr. D and his team came in and said that she will have the surgery on Wednesday.  We are unsure of the time yet. Tomorrow should be pretty uneventful. She will meet with someone from the surgical team to talk about anesthesia and get her PICC line put in. 
Now all we have to do is wait for Wednesday to come!

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